Bio Oil Review

Kalo ada yang nanya skincare routine gue apa pasti gue jawab bio oil. tapi sebenernya gue bingung kalo ditanya "bagus ga?" "harganya berapa" karena jawabnya gak semudah "iya bagus kok" Preview Product Bio-Oil is a specialist skincare product formulated to help improve the appearance of scars , stretch marks and uneven skin tone . Its unique formulation, which contains the breakthrough ingredient PurCellin Oil™, is also highly effective for aging and dry skin. Bio-Oil promotes healthy, radiant skin, is non-comedogenic, and suitable for all skin types. Bio-Oil has won 223 skincare awards and become the No.1 selling scar and stretch mark product in 18 countries since its global rollout began in 2002. ( Kenapa gue bisa pake bio oil? Ceritanya panjang dan dramatis. intinya waktu itu tiba2 gue jerawatan yang super aneh dan langsung gue tanganin dengan benzoyl peroksida 5%. ternyata beneran aneh. segitu udah gue jaga...