People change, dolls don't

Meet my dolls! They are given by my bestfriends
The paddington bear is from April, my pretty girl from high school (2014)

And next to the peddington is the Strawberry girl. It's given by my crazy girls (mitha, irene,wayan,otun,fathia) from high school too (2015)

And the pinky minnie mouse was from Wafa. I called her jimah. She is the craziest best friend from elementary school. (2010)

Then, the pluffy white teddy. Was from Almas. The smart lady from junior high school (2012)

And the biggest one is the Lazy doggie. It's from one of the bestest friend in my life. (2014)

Dear everyone, i wanna say thankyou, not only for those dolls but also for ever being part of my life. These dolls will always be like this. But you all are grown up and be a better version of you each day.
Wherever you are, whoever you're going to be.
I wish you the best of  luck.

Your old bestie,


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