
Showing posts from March, 2023

Ramadan vibes is in the air!

Hari ke-7 Bulan Ramadan Udah mellow aja kok tiba-tiba udah hari ke 7. Hiks ga mau cepat-cepat berlalu rasanya😢 Udah 2-3 taun ke belakang gue bahagia banget tiap momen bulan puasa, padahal dulu-dulu biasa aja dan cenderung ngeluh "laper" doang, pengen cepet-cepet lebaran pokoknya 😂  Punya privilege sekolah di sekolah islam bertahun-tahun dan besar di keluarga yang (agak) religius bikin gue tetep sadar untuk melakukan ibadah Ramadan TAPI cuma sekadar formalitas, ga nemu esensinya, maksudnya yaa malu aja gitu kalo ga ikut ngelakuin 😂 xixixi. Meskipun dulu hanya sekedar menjalankan kewajiban dan ikut-ikutan, alhamdulillah ada saatnya ternyata bisa ngerasain Ramadan Vibes sesungguhnya yang sampai ke hati.  Mau merekam kegiatan Ramadanku taun ini yaaa! sebenernya agak takut dan pesimis bisa optimal apa engga, karena baru pertama kali ya bulan puasa dengan kondisi sudah bekerja fulltime, WFO dengan office hour 😰 Tapi ternyata... ya lemes say hahaha Hari pertama entah kenapa LEME...

You met the man of your dreams, then what? (a self reminder)

I was excited about someone. Right after those first conversations, I dive in head first, effortlessly. That is when I met the man of my dreams. The strangest one but feels familiar. When we really want to find love and we suddenly meet someone who seems to epitomize everything we've been looking for, maybe we've decided based on this person's qualities, characteristics, what they look like, how they act, what they are doing in life, etc. then it's like ;   "This is the love we've been looking for; he's representing the hope I've been longing for, "   and all of a sudden there was nothing more important in the world than securing this person. At first, I felt relieved that I had finally found the person. But the next second, it became anxious. Yes, I wanted to get closer and turn it into something lasting, but I felt that person was out of reach, and I'm not sure how he felt about me. So the first thing I had to do was secure my relationship wi...