Is it that scary?

Don't you notice that lately, there's so much talk and content about how “marriage is scary.”? Whether it’s social media, the news, or just random conversations, it’s sometimes about infidelity, abuse, neglect, or people growing apart. It’s honestly overwhelming sometimes. Like, is this really what marriage is supposed to look like?

I get why so many people feel this way. Those stories are real, and they’re heartbreaking. They make you wonder, “Is love enough? Is commitment enough? Is it even worth it?” But as much as these fears are valid, I don’t want them to take over how I feel about marriage.

For me, I imagine marriage as something truly beautiful. A partnership where you can feel safe, loved, and understood. I know it won’t always be easy; it’ll take effort and patience, but I believe that if it’s built on mutual respect, love, and compassion, it has the potential to be one of the most fulfilling experiences in life.

That’s why I’m writing this post, as a reminder to myself to keep turning to prayer and asking Allah for guidance. Not just to bless me with the right person, but also to prepare me to be the right person.

Ya Allah, Ya Mujib (the Answerer of Prayers), Ya Wadud (the Most Loving), Ya Hadi (the Guide),
Bless me with a marriage that brings peace, love, and joy. When the time is right, grant me a partner whose heart is aligned with mine and filled with kindness and compassion.

Ya Rahman (the Most Compassionate), Ya Rahim (the Most Merciful),
Help me grow into someone who can build a loving and healthy relationship. Teach me patience when things get hard and the strength to face life’s challenges together with my future spouse. Teach me to speak with kindness, to forgive easily, and to respect each other.

As You beautifully say in the Quran:

"And among His signs is that He created for you spouses from among yourselves so that you may find tranquility in them, and He placed between you affection and mercy" (30:21).

Let this promise come true for me. Make my future marriage a source of peace, happiness, and countless blessings.


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