Magical Trip to Remember (on going)

Though this beautiful story doesn't last, at least I keep it in me.

November 30, 2024

Part 1: Arrival

The day before, I was completely drained from work, but my work had gone so well that I felt glad to face tomorrow even though I had no time for proper preparation. Yet, when I woke up, I felt so calm. I didn’t really get the nerves I had expected. The journey to the airport felt like a fleeting moment. My parents hugged me before I left, their prayers for a safe and wonderful trip making me feel more secure and blessed.

At the airport, it still felt surreal. In just a few hours, I’d finally meet him. Two years of communicating online—two years of texts, photos, and imagining what his voice might sound like in real life. Now it was about to happen, and I didn’t know how to process it. During the flight, I kept replaying all the what-ifs in my head. What if he didn’t show up? What if he changed his mind?

I walked to the baggage claim, feeling calm. While waiting for my luggage, I looked around, scanning for the doorway that led to the arrivals area. Then, just in one fleeting glance, I saw him. Someone I had admired from a distance for so long, whose photos I had memorized, whose smile I had fallen for countless times. There he was, standing right there, smiling at me. And he noticed me first! He waved!

He walked towards me and said salam. I smiled, but I couldn’t stare into his eyes for too long. I was too nervous. Then, here he was, standing beside me, so close. I’d imagined this moment so many times, but nothing could compare to actually living it. His smile, the way he looked at me, the way my nerves melted, it was indescribable. "This is real. This isn't dream" I said to myself.


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