there's no such things as wrong timing

Let me tell you 2 stories when I blamed the time. 

Story 1

It was a few years ago when someone really wanted me. He even had been waiting for me to graduate from university for two years long. He made a serious effort. He loved me (at least, that's what he said), and family blessings and support were showering on us. Nothing to be worried about him superficially. Everything should run smoothly. We should be together (as everyone said). 

But I made it difficult. I found no connection. Something felt wrong even though I don't know what it was. I blamed the timing, saying, "He might be the right one at the wrong time; I'm not ready yet." "I'm not ready for what he was bringing to the table." "I'm not ready yet to compromise on what he wanted from a relationship." 

 Story 2

I met the person who seemed to epitomize everything I've been looking for. He made me feel again. I felt the connection was strong. I trust him effortlessly; I enjoy every conversation and am excited to get to know him more. I wonder if the connection can go somewhere more meaningful. But life didn't work out like a Disney princess tale for me.

He clearly stated that he wasn't available for emotional stuff. He showed no interest in making the connection work for us. In his life now, he has no room for love, for me, or any relationship that will stand in the way of him pursuing his career or passions. 

I know I should give up and stop chasing pavements because it will lead nowhere (like Adele's song, right?). But I blame the time again, saying, "He must be the right one, at the wrong time."

Timing is the main reason when thing ends and people go. So when does the "perfect timing" really happen for a perfect love story? 

Timing is unpredictable and inconsistent. Timing is messy. 

But I realized that those two stories aren't about the timing. It was about the wrong people.

In the first story, I blamed timing as an excuse because I didn't want to have a forever life journey with him, because it didn't feel right and because we're not a match. And it's true, I don't regret not forcing it to work. We clearly aren't destined for each other. 

The second story made it obvious that I was the wrong one for him. He is special to me while I am nothing but a random girl he knows. My feelings are not reciprocated. 

Maybe there's no such things as wrong timing, maybe just wrong people. 

we, people, could make the timing right, make the distance closer, and make ourselves ready, but if only we want it to.  We are aware that there will never be an ideal scenario for when love arrives and something will always be standing in the way. But we also know that there is always a way to make it work. There is always a way to find a balance, to meet halfway, to compromise.

Maybe there is no such thing as wrong timing, is just another excuse for "it's wrong and I don't want to make it right"


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