
Showing posts from 2023

At the end of the day (a daily journal)

These notes were taken at the end of each day. Just before I go to bed, I let my heart write the unspoken words and untold emotions. Sometimes there are tears, sometimes might be an embarrassing laugh. At the end of the day, it is what it is. 19/05/2024 (2:43 AM) Kebangun dan beneran takut banget 🥲 kaya... "hah beneran nih gw menunjukkan bagian dari hidup gw yg sangat gw insecure-in ini?" Tapi di sisi lain gw udah nyerah dan lelah, udah ga berharap apapun jadi kalaupun emang ybs akhirnya jd illfeel, yaudah terserah, mau diblokir atau diapain juga kayanya skrg udh bener2 "terserah" 🙂 18/05/2024 - Capek banget declutter dan deep cleaning tahunan isi kamar sendiri😭 ini juga blm 100% selesai🥲 sungguh satisfying tapi lelah✌️ - ya ampun takut bgt diliat cv dan motletku yg mungkin sangat ngawur😭 15/05/2024 (waking up in the middle of sleep) Dear God, how would it feel when I finally stopped fighting my own feelings?  How would it feel to choose one another?  To not